Sunday, August 24, 2014


While God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.

Hebrews 2:4


There are moments in our lives when we are changed. Instantly. The birth of a first child, a life threatening encounter, a near death experience…these are all things that have that kind of power. They take what we were and turn us into so much more. There are other times when we are changed slowly, over time, in a way we cannot see or feel.

People, places, events, these all have the power to change us. We have all been changed, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, but changed just the same. Life is a series of changes from before we are born until we no longer live on this earth.

Just this last week I have been changed. I was looking at what, to me, is a miracle. Sunbeams shining through the clouds. Standing there in the midst of others, I was lost to what was going on around me. There was nothing but that moment, those beautiful rays, me, and God. In that moment I was alone with my Lord and I needed nothing else. But then someone touched me, not the light touch of a passerby, or the tap of someone trying to get my attention, but the close touch of someone coming as close as they could get, leaning against me.

This person, standing so close, shared that space and time with me and God, then she shared a miracle of her own with me. I did not know why I liked this person so much, until that moment, although it took me until the next day to fully grasp it all. She was one of those moments when I was changed instantly.

Matthew 22:39 says we are to love our neighbor as ourselves, it is the second greatest commandment. There are many other verses that talk of love, even command us to love. This woman, that was one of those life changing moments for me, is a wonderful example of that love. She simply loves everyone she encounters. No one walks away without a hug and being told I love you. You cannot help but feel loved in her presence.

She is an inspiration to me. When I asked if she was always that way, she said no. Before her own life changing moment she was not this way. God worked a miracle in her life, and she is a miracle in mine.

There have been many life changing moments in my life. Looking back on them I can see God’s hand on me in each one.

My dear reader, moments will come your way when you see that change. There will be others when it can’t be seen. God is working on and through you even if you don’t see or understand it. Let him show you the miracles He has in place for you.

What miracles have you already seen? Will you share them with us?



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