Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bookaholic Support Group


Five letters, one word. Basic, simple, easy. Some words have multiple meaning with only one spelling, others have one meaning but several spellings that get us into that area of having to know how many o’s to put behind a t or whether or not to add an e to the end, an i-e, or a y.

But not books. That word is simple and easy to understand. No one questions it. But it’s…um…a code word.

Yes, you read that right. It’s a code word. Those five little letters hide worlds we can only imagine, they hide our best friends, our worst enemies. They stand for the stacks and stacks of books I own, the ones I want to own, and the ones I will own.

That code word opens worlds I never thought possible, not just on the printed pages but in my real life. I discuss authors with strangers at my favorite book store. I trade emails with writers I never thought I’d know. I’ve written manuscripts, entered contests, and tried new things because of books.

Books. Code word for addiction. If you’re a bookaholic, you understand, if you’re not…I’m sorry.

For those of us that suffer from the affliction, there is no cure. Only…more books.

Hello, my name is Crystal. I am addicted to books. I love the feel of them in my hand, the sound of the pages when I flip through them, the way they look all stacked up and waiting for my attention. I am not trying to recover from my addiction. I do not want to give up my temptation. I am me, and they are books, and we are happy together.

Would anyone care to join my support group?

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Love this, Crystal! I'm a bookaholic, too. I added three, no, four more to my TBR pile today because they were free for Kindle. :) I love books.
