Saturday, April 12, 2014

Counting the Days

            Twenty three. Two words that don’t seem like a lot when looked at from just about any angle. It’s the number at the bottom section of a calendar that marks the final days in a month. And it’s the number of days I must wait for the first round of the ACFW Genesis contest to be over.

            When I first heard about that contest back in November I determined to enter one manuscript. I put the first words on that blank sheet of digital paper after Thanksgiving and pushed hard to meet my first deadline in the writing world. There were times I had doubts I would make it. I pored over that story like nothing I’ve ever written before.

            I reworked it. I rewrote whole scenes. I agonized over the best way to write what I wanted to say and how to bring my characters to life. I shortened scenes as much as I could to get what I wanted to say in while giving myself the maximum impact in those allotted fifteen pages.

            Five weeks later I wrote my final word. Several rereads and two critiques later…it was done. With miniature outlaws setting off dynamite in my belly I filled out that form, attached my manuscript and hit the submit button.

            But I still had time and I had an opening line pounding at my head, just begging my fingers to put it on a digital paper. So I did. One line. A single sentence. I thought it was brilliant. My family smiled when I told them what it was. It was intriguing.

            I took that single sentence and added a second, then a third. With no idea of what the story line was or who my characters were I created another manuscript. My hero came to life before my eyes, as did my heroine. They took shape, developed personality, likes, dislikes, backstory. A few weeks later I completed that story and repeated the entry process.

            For two months, I wrote, never expecting to complete another story before the contest ended. On March 15, slots were closed. The deadline was over. And I had seven manuscripts entered.

            Now it’s April and I have twenty three days until they announce the semifinalists in the contest. I’ll be honest; I didn’t enter this contest to win. At the time I started writing that first manuscript for entry my sole purpose was to receive feedback. It is still my main purpose. Getting those comments from the judges is still my goal. But I have to admit the closer we come to the end of the first round the more fuses those outlaws light in my belly.

            And I count the days until I can find out just how heroic my heroes were. Did they fight the battle and gain me a favorable comment? Did they go beyond that and earn me a spot in the next round? Or did they give up in the first round?

            Whatever they accomplish, I am proud of them. Because they are my heroes. They fought the battle and made it into the running. For me, it is enough. Mostly.

            For all of you that are counting days with me. I wish you the best of luck. May we all learn from this experience and come through it as better writers.

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