Yesterday was a complete disappointment in my alternate world. I only hit
just over 4,000 words in my newest manuscript. To some, that may seem like a
lot, but for me I don’t consider the day a success unless I hit at least 5,000
words. I’m having a hard time getting into this story. Not because it’s a bad
story or because I don’t like my characters, I do.
It’s just that the
characters in my last manuscript stole my heart and they haven’t released it
yet. Such are the problems of a writer.
The characters in this
new manuscript will do the same. I’m sure. But giving up my beloved Elias and
Lorelei has been hard. Katie, my new heroine, is going to break my heart too.
Her story is heartrending. And I only know a small part of it so far. She’s
keeping the things that happened to her close to her heart and only sharing
them with me a small bit at a time.
Today promises to be
another day of few words and snippets of secrets that will in time bring me
closer to my heroine. But first I must leave my characters on their own while I
venture into the real world for groceries.
I am certain that trip
will be a disappointment as I rush to accomplish my task’s so I can return to
my characters and my true home in the time of outlaws, stagecoaches, long
dresses, and men wearing holsters.
But for now…
I’m off to visit the small
town of Sparrow, Texas where my hero sits at the heroine’s bedside nursing her
through a horror that has left her fearful and battered.
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